Tuesday, July 15, 2008

brownie hawkeye modification (35mm)


Jess said...

was just wondering if you had any difficulty getting the full frame of what you were shooting onto the film with it modified this way? I had been thinking of modifying an old 620 spool to hold the 35mm in place but was concerned about heads getting chopped off. any suggestions appreciated :)

remediate this said...

i've not really had a problem but i've kept in mind that what ends up on film will be different/narrower than what i see in the viewfinder. to be safe, you could put pieces of tape on the sides of the viewfinder, representing a narrower width of film. (i think now of the cameras that allow you to switch between normal and panoramic views. when you switch to pano, you slide a lever and panels come up inside the camera making the amount of film exposed much narrower. --in this case, the viewfinder would be cropped a bit.)

my only other bit of advice would be that you don't need to bother with modifying the 620 spool. that sounds like a lot of work. You'll need one for the film takeup (but a trimmed 120 spool might work as well here), but once you put the 35mm cartridge in the supply side, it should stay in place. I always cut the film leader and tape the end of the film onto the take up spool. If you are concerned about the supply side shifting, you can cut up a pink foam curler and place a piece on each side of the 35mm cartridge. It's a cheap fix and it's worked really well for me.