Wednesday, August 29, 2007

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in my hollywood version of the last day of my summer break, i saw myself getting groceries and cleaning the house in the am and then spending the better part of the day watching the third season of the l-word. no go, as the video store i can actually drive to only carries 2 of the 4 disks and both of them are currently checked out.

so, back in my maryland version of the last day of summer break, i came home, unpacked the groceries and checked online to see how much it would run me to buy the third season. 39.99 which wouldn't be bad if not for willy's teeth, the tax bill, the dental bills, and on and on and on. and this customer image posted on the page didn't really persuade me to spring for the season. make that 0 out of 41 people found this image helpful.

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