Friday, September 21, 2007

the "who cares?" aperture

before going back to taking the same ole, same ole kind of photos like the image to the left (i.e., vertically framed, f/2.7) i decided to try framing things horizontally and using what my book calls one of two of the "who cares?" apertures Since my camera only goes up to f/8, I wasn't able to try the other.

with an aperture befitting my attitude/mood after having spent the better part of yesterday standing in front of a copy machine making three more copies of my third-year dossier, i shot a couple photos around campus--the first two of which i've titled "huh?" since i'm quite sure how i feel about the horizontal framing or using an aperture that (more or less) keeps everything in sharp focus. the final shot is not, at least not to my eyes, all that bad, save for having framed the shot so as to capture the lovely townhomes in the background. then again, i like any photo that contains the plants i refer to as "weep."

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