Friday, July 27, 2007

everything's better with leopard

still plant sitting. this one didn't look so great--thought being in closer proximity to some leopard might give it a second wind. or not.

the new external drive arrived today as did the advanced flash/action scripting tutorials. i'm hoping the new drive will help me organize the video projects and related files more efficiently. i wanted to wait to do drafts of the philosophy and materials components until it arrived but i wasn't that patient. i think i've transferred everything it needs to have if i want to go in and alter things there. while waiting for the ups person to arrive, i dug out my mom's old 35 mm camera and began reacquainting myself with how the lenses attach/detach. i think i'd like to get away from the digital shooting for awhile. besides, i think i took way better pics with that than with the cameras i have now. catch is that i'll need to get out and get some film, new batteries, etc. it will be odd not being able to have/see immediate results though.

i had a great conversation with tm last night--remembering late night donut runs (from illinois) to iowa, trying to remember the places we ate (or got take out from) all those years ago.

now i guess it's time for a little action scripting.

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