having previously committed to a phone conference with a student for the afternoon , i decided to change things up and do the sunday photos in the a.m. was it worth it? not sure. though i was curious to learn what difference the a.m. light would make so i got up and decided to go back to "risk you life here as well" road and shot some of the blue flowers in the 8:30 a.m. light. bonus insofar as they were still dew-y at that point. having the opportunity to photograph the white flower (hard to photograph, by the by but i was happy to get the blur-as-they-go-by cars in the background--not something i've managed to capture shooting in the early evening light) and the pansy was great as well. i would have traveled farther up the road and into the forest if not for having run into yet another dead deer. it seems a pattern for my sundays. when i happened to happen on to her/him, i thought, "yeah, maybe i've had enough nature for today--maybe time to got back and deal with the stuff i need to get out."
when i woke this morning, i promised myself that if i actually made an attempt to revise a short but oh-so-important text that i've managed to put off revising for two weeks now, i'd reward myself with a couple of hours of guilt-free photo taking. the light was amazing today so i began with a dozen or so pictures of io and then decided to move things outside and work with direct sunlight and specular highlights.
i wandered up and down "risk your life road" but found little there, save for the purplish flowers (left) that i discovered there last week. so i decided to continue up along "risk your life here as well road" and was surprised--but extremely pleased--to find that a few of the blue flowers i love photographing were still left hanging on, hanging around.